Development of a Vision System for Shape Capture of Sails: A Thesis Proposal


Sails are critical components of sailboats and play a pivotal role in determining their performance. Accurate measurement and analysis of sail shapes are essential for optimizing sail designs and improving sailing efficiency. Traditional methods of capturing sail shapes are often time-consuming and prone to errors. This thesis proposal outlines a comprehensive research plan to develop a vision system capable of high-precision shape capture of sails, which can revolutionize sail design and performance analysis.

Research Objectives

The primary objectives of this research are as follows:

  1. To design and develop a vision-based system for capturing the shape of sails with high precision and accuracy.

  2. To validate the system's performance in terms of its ability to accurately measure the shape of different types of sails under various conditions.

  3. To optimize the system for practical applications in sail design, performance analysis, and sail manufacturing.

  4. To evaluate the advantages and limitations of the vision system in comparison to traditional sail shape measurement methods.

Literature Review

A comprehensive review of existing literature will be conducted to establish the current state of knowledge regarding sail shape capture methods, including traditional techniques and emerging vision-based technologies. This section will cover relevant technological advancements, case studies, and gaps in existing research related to sail shape measurement.


  1. System Design: Design and develop a vision-based system that includes cameras, lighting, and image processing algorithms tailored for sail shape capture.

  2. Data Acquisition: Acquire high-resolution images or videos of sails under various conditions, such as different wind speeds and sail trim settings.

  3. Image Processing: Develop algorithms for image processing, feature extraction, and shape reconstruction to accurately capture the sail's shape.

  4. System Validation: Validate the system's performance by comparing the captured sail shapes with ground truth data obtained from physical measurements or simulations.

  5. Application Testing: Assess the system's adaptability and utility in practical applications, including sail design optimization and performance analysis.

Expected Results

This research is expected to yield the following results:

  1. Development of a vision-based system capable of high-precision sail shape capture.

  2. Validation of the system's accuracy and reliability in measuring the shape of different types of sails under various conditions.

  3. Recommendations for optimizing the system for practical applications in the sail industry.

  4. Insights into the advantages and limitations of the vision system compared to traditional sail shape measurement methods.

Significance of the Study

The development of a vision-based system for high-precision sail shape capture has the potential to revolutionize sail design, manufacturing, and performance analysis. This research contributes to the advancement of sail technology by providing a novel and efficient tool for sail shape measurement.

Research Timeline

The research will be conducted over a period of 5m, with the following approximate timeline:


This thesis proposal outlines a comprehensive research plan to develop a vision-based system for high-precision shape capture of sails, addressing a critical need in the sail industry. The research aims to provide an innovative solution that enhances sail design, manufacturing, and performance analysis processes. Furthermore, it explores the advantages of vision-based technology compared to traditional sail shape measurement methods.